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Lecture on "Introduction to Programming" takes place in a different lecture hall (Nov 14th)
New Module Launched in the Interdisciplinary Studium Generale (!SG) Programme
In the upcoming Winter semester, I will offer the following courses:
In the photo, it is not the saucer section of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D that you see, but rather…
Fascinating Comeback on the Final Day
RoboCup 2024 is Approaching its End
The oral re-examinations for the lecture "Advanced Concepts of Adaptive Knowledge-Based Systems" on…
YouTube Link
RoboCup 2024's Competitions Continue
FRA-UNIted had a good start into the tournament with a very fascinating match against last year's…
Seeding for the First Round
On the evening of July 6, 2024, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (FRA-UAS) was targeted by a…
Our team, FRA-UNIted, is in the final stages of preparation for the RoboCup 2024 Robot Soccer World…
Accepted Paper for the RoboCup Symposium 2024 in Eindhoven
FRA-UNIted participated in the IranOpen 2024 tournament and made it to the final match which, quite…
In the upcoming Summer semester, I will offer the following courses:
The RoboCup World Championships tournament returns to Europe: The 27th edition of the RoboCup…
The lectures on "Introduction to Programming" take place on Tuesdays (2.15pm) in room 4-109/110.…
RoboCup 2023 is over. FRA-UNIted finished this year's World Championships tournament in 5th place.…
After having completed the first round and the main round (2nd and 3rd round) of RoboCup 2023 in…
On July, 4th, 2023 this year's robotic soccer World Championships tournament - RoboCup 2023 - will…
The following text has also been distributed among the soccer simulation 2d community using its…
As part of Department 2's "Research Colloquium in Computer Science" , I will be presenting on my…
The IranOpen 2023 was this year's primary preparation tournament for the World Championships…
As in each semester, FRA-UAS' robotic soccer team, FRA-UNIted, is looking out for enthusiastic new…
This year's RoboCup World Championships Tournament will take place in Bordeaux, Francr, from July…
RoboCup 2023 takes place in Bordeaux, France, in July. FRA-UNIted started the final preparation…
As the new semester has just started, FRA-UNIted is seeking enthusiastic future team members. If you…
In the upcoming Summer semester, I will offer these courses.
Our paper on "Case-Based Learning and Reasoning Using Layered Boundary Multigraphs" has been…
On Monday, July 11th 2022, this year's RoboCup World Championships Tournament is about to start. If…
The lecture on "Foundations of Adaptive Knowledge-Based Systems" on June 30th, 2022, will take place…
Our paper on "Instance-Based Opponent Action Prediction in Soccer Simulation Using Boundary Graphs"…
In the upcoming Summer semester, I will offer the course (lecture + exercises) "Foundations of…
All lectures this week have to be switched to online mode and will be conducted using Zoom (see…
With 6 victories, 2 draws, and 2 defeats (including a 0:0 draw against the current world champion),…
This year's second largest RoboCup tournament are the RoboCup Asia Pacific championships which take…
The lecture on "Advanced Concepts of Adaptive Knowledge-Based Systems" is cancelled on November,…
FRA-UNIted's Record at RoboCup 2021: An 8th place, a 2nd place, 171 goals shot, only 16 received. 21…
The technical committee of the soccer simulation 2D league had decided to evaluate the question…
With an average yield of 13 points from the first three preliminary rounds (based on three matches…
This year's RoboCup world championships tournament takes place as a pure online event. While this…
In another Corona-dominated year, RoboCup events take place virtually. As one of the main… is currently in the process of being (re-)built.
FRA-UNIted has achieved yet another third place in a major soccer simulation event. On November 1st,…
After the cancellation of all on-site RoboCup events for the year 2020 due to the ongoing Corona…
During our 2016 talk at the "RoboCup Symposium" on the paper Progress in RoboCupRevisited:The State…
Due to the ongoing Corona pandemia, this year's RoboCup World Championships tournament has been…
Lecturing starts this summer term on this Monday (April 20th) under special circumstances: All…
Due to the ongoing Corona pandemia lecturing at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences will take…
The RoboCup Federation has decided to postpone this year's RoboCup World Championships tournament by…
Due to the current Covid situation and in alignment with instructions by the university's…
The exam on "Introduction to Programming" will take place on Monday, February 24th, in three shifts:
Our paper "On the Generalization Capabilities of Sharp Minima in Case-Based Reasoning" has been…
RoboCup 2019 is over. The trophy stayed in Australia with team Fractals (AUS) winning masterfully.…
It's RoboCup time again. This year's World Championship tournament takes place in Sydney (Australia)…
Our paper "On the Generalization Capabilities of Sharp Minima in Case-Based Reasoning" by Thomas…
Parameters of support vector machines (SVMs) such as kernel parameters or the penalty parameter have…
Als akademischer Think Tank für Europafragen lädt das Center for Applied European Studies (CAES) der…
RoboCup 2019 takes place in Sydney, Australia, in July. FRA-UNIted started the final preparation…
On February 28th, the Frankfurt am Main Chamber of Commerce and Industry awarded Tobias Rohrer for…
Local robotic soccer tournaments allow soccer simulation teams to test their current developments…
In the upcoming Winter term 2018/19, I will offer the following courses at Frankfurt UAS:
Our paper "Communication in Soccer Simulation: On the Use of Wiretapping Opponent Teams" was awarded…
FRA-UNIted has achieved the fifth place in this year's RoboCup world championships tournament, which…
Having become last year's runner-up in RoboCup's world championships tournament, FRA-UNIted was…
The exam on "Introduction to Programming" ("Einführung in die Programmierung") starts on February…
During this year's graduation ceremony on February 2nd, 2018, Arno Fuhrmann received the…
As part of this term's course "Software Project: Mobile and Distributed Applications", yet another…
As part of this term's course "Software Project: Mobile and Distributed Applications", a team of…
All exams this Winter term will take place between February 12th and February 23rd, 2018. The exact…
Join the Vice World Champion Team!
All interested students are invited to participate in this…
Recently, I gave an interview on artificial intelligence, its current state and perspectives in the…
The post-exam review for the exam on the lecture "Object-Oriented Programming" (Summer term 2017)…
I will offer the following courses in the upcoming winter term 2017/18:
We are very happy to report that Frankfurt University's robotic soccer team, FRA-UNIted, has become…
Yesterday, FRA-UNIted succeeded in moving on to the 2D soccer simulation league's final round (last…
Our robotic soccer simulation team FRA-UNIted is taking part in this year's RoboCup World…
All interested students are invited to participate in this term's preliminary discussion of our…
Two SVM-focussed papers by team member A. Tharwat have been accepted for this year's AISI…
Our contribution to this year's MATES conference "Eavesdropping Opponent Agent Communication Using…
FRA-UNIted has participated at this year's Robotica 2017 competitions in Coimbra (Portugal),…
I will offer the following courses in the upcoming summer term 2017:
The post-exam review for the exam on the lecture "Introduction to Programming" (Winter term 2016/17)…
Frankfurt University's robotic soccer team, FRA-UNIted, has successfully qualified for participation…
Our paper on "Combining Evolutionary Algorithms and Case-Based Reasoning for Learning High-Quality…
Please note that this website will encounter a number of downtimes due to web server maintenance…
As part of the fifth semester, studies in "Computer Science - Mobile Applications" let students…
The exam in "Introduction to Programming" will take place on February 20th, starting at 8.15am.
The post-exam review for the exam on the lecture "Object Oriented Programming: Foundations" (Summer…
I will offer the following courses in the upcoming winter term 2016/17:
The exam for lecture "Object-Oriented Programming: Foundations" takes place on August 5th, 2016,…
FRA-UNIted finishes this year's world cup championships tournament with an 11th (soccer tournament),…
During this year's RoboCup in Leipzig our team got awarded for the Best Team Description Paper in…
The lecture on "Mobile Devices" on Tuesday, May 31st, has to be shifted to Friday, June 3rd. See…
A remarkable feature of RoboCup's soccer simulation leagues is their ability to quantify and prove…
I will offer the following courses in the upcoming summer term 2016:
The post-exam review for the exam on the lecture "Introduction to Programming" (winter term 2015/16)…
On March, 9th, 2016 the Organizing and Executive Committees of the 2D Competition (Soccer Simulation…
Frankfurt University's robotic soccer simulation team will start into the preparation phase for the…
My consultation hour on January 25th, 2016, is cancelled. If you want to meet me in person, please…
Frankfurt University's re-established robotic soccer simulation team, FRA-UNIted, is going to enter…
The post-exam review for the exam on lecture "Object-Oriented Programming: Foundations" (summer term…
I will offer the following courses in the upcoming winter term 2016:
Our paper published at the Workshop on Case-Based Agents (CBA) held in conjunction with the…
Virtual Reality on Smartphones (VR@S)
All dates for the courses of the recent term have been finalized:
Richard M. Stallman is a software freedom activist and computer programmer who is known for his…
The automatic acquisition of similarity measures for a CBR system is appealing as it frees the…
In "High Quality Lecture Recording with Minimal Bandwidth Requirements" we present a novel way to…
The post-exam review for the exam on lecture "Intelligent Agents - Foundations of Artificial…
I will offer the following courses in the upcoming summer term 2015:
There are open research assistant positions (HiWi) in the context of the project "Virtual Reality on…
The exam for lecture "Intelligent Agents" will take place on Friday, February 20th, 2015. Please…
For our RoboCup team we are searching for motivated students who are interested in getting involved…
The starting dates of all courses in the Winter term 2014/15 have been finalized:
Robotic Soccer Simulation at FRA-UAS
Seminar in the Upcoming Winter Term 2014/2015
Clone of "Find the Point"?